Can't Seem to Control Your Springtime Allergies?

Do you live in an area where springtime allergies are difficult to manage? With 30% of adults suffering from at least one seasonal allergy, getting a handle on your sinuses is important. As we move into warmer weather, you’re bound to see hefty amounts of pollen based on the trees and blooms in your area.

If you’re someone who tends to suffer from springtime allergies, but want to enjoy the outdoors this season, it may be time to seek the help of an allergist. Sneezing, itchy eyes, and difficulty breathing can certainly make many popular spring activities not as enjoyable.

Does that mean that those who suffer from seasonal allergies can’t go out of their home throughout the entirety of the spring season? How can an allergist help alleviate these seasonal symptoms?

Here’s a list of a few ways you can help mitigate your springtime allergies:

  • Figure Out Your Allergens

  • Maintain a Dust Free Environment

  • Close Your Windows

  • Shower After Venturing Outside

  • Allergy Medicine

  • Seek an Allergist

Figure Out Your Allergens

When it comes to combating your springtime allergies, you’ll first need to identify the problem. Pay attention to what triggers your allergic reactions as there are often various possible sources of your symptoms throughout the spring season. This can include pollen from blooming trees, various weeds, and several types of grass. However, did you know we can also be allergic to sunshine, insects, and mold spores?

Figuring out exactly what is causing your symptoms gives you a more direct roadmap of what to avoid and what to treat. This is your best chance at lessening your exposure, and therefore limiting your allergy symptoms. If you’re still unsure of where to start, visiting an allergist may be a good choice for you.

Visit Otolaryngology Associates of Tennessee, an allergist in Nashville, TN!

Maintain a Dust Free Environment

Regardless of what is specifically creating your allergy symptoms, there’s a good chance your allergens have become mixed into the dust that settles around your home. This dust is generally a collection of various microscopic elements such as dead skin cells, soil particles, pollen, and refuse from insects.

Dust is a common source of allergy symptoms as we exist regularly in our living spaces and often leave our windows open during warmer months. Regularly cleaning your home is the best way to fight against this threat. Make sure your air filters that feed into your vents are frequently changed as well.

Close Your Windows

Unless you’ve decided you’re allergic to your pet, then it’s quite likely your allergies are triggered from outdoor spaces. As the weather gets warmer, local weather forecasts often include pollen and ragweed counts. Try keeping up with these forecasts to know when you should avoid the outdoors or keep your windows closed.

While it might be a bummer to miss out on enjoying the outdoors as frequently— you’ll thank yourself in the long-run as you likely will begin to experience less symptoms.

Shower After Venturing Outside

While you may mitigate some allergens by keeping your windows closed for longer periods in the day, you will eventually have to go outside. As you’re now aware, allergens can be found in the dust around your environment. But— did you know your allergens can also hitch a ride into your house on your clothes. These allergens can stick to your pets as well.

As a simple rule of thumb, it’s best to shower if you’ve been outside for a long period of time. To avoid your pets dragging in allergens, wipe them down with a wet cloth after bringing them inside as well. Remember to wash your clothing that was worn outside as you’ll want to limit exposure to any local springtime allergens.

Allergy Medicine

When it comes to your allergies, one of the quickest ways to alleviate symptoms is through the use of medication. There are numerous types of over-the-counter allergy medications you can purchase from your local pharmacy. With multiple different options, if one doesn’t work, you have the freedom to try another!

Everyone’s allergies are a little different and medications can interact differently from one person to the next. They aren’t generally associated with serious side effects so you can take them throughout the summer once you find one that works for you.

Pro Tip: While oral medications attempt to prevent or minimize allergy symptoms— nasal sprays attack the problem areas directly. Speak to a pharmacist if you have questions to get the particular medication that works best for you.

See an Allergist in Nashville, TN

Unfortunately, these allergen avoidance methods can often not work for everyone. The good news is that you can visit Otolaryngology Associates of Tennessee (OAT), an allergist in Nashville.

There are a variety of treatments that can be used to learn more about your particular allergies and treat them directly. Contact OAT today!