Would You Benefit From Sinus Surgery?

Did you know that sinus surgery can provide relief that is up to 85-90% effective? If you’re someone who experiences chronic sinus issues, you understand how easily your symptoms can disrupt your quality of life.

Swollen sinuses along with other sinus issues can reduce your airflow, enhance snoring, and cause sleep apnea. When you make an appointment with a local ENT specialist, the first form of treatment will often be antibiotics. Severe sinus issue cases that don't respond to this line of therapy can benefit from surgery operations focused on the nose and sinus cavities to improve performance and realign the structure.

If you’re looking to learn more about sinus surgery and you could benefit from the results, we’ve got you covered!

Here’s everything you need to know about sinus surgery:

  • What is Sinus Surgery?

  • Different Types of Sinus Surgery

  • Do I Qualify for Sinus Surgery?

  • Sinus Surgery Options in Middle Tennessee

What is Sinus Surgery?

Sinus surgery is a group of procedures available to ear, nose and throat specialists to help patients find relief from their recurring sinus infections or symptoms. Often, patients with abnormal growths or structures won’t benefit from typical allergy treatments or antibiotics.

While both methods are the first call to action to help patients find relief, sinus surgeries can help patients who seek long-term relief. In the event that non-surgical treatments don't relieve the problems, sinus surgery allows specialists to open pathways and improve airflow.

Different Types of Sinus Surgery

Depending on your niche sinus issues, your surgery needs may vary. There are multiple different types of sinus surgery options for patients to choose from. Below are the different types of sinus surgeries that are frequently offered to allergy patients.


Septoplasty is an outpatient procedure aimed at correcting issues related to the midline of the nose. This process restructures the septum part of the nose as its purpose is to aid in moving the air we breathe into the lungs. The septum can often obstruct airflow and significantly disrupt the amount of air inhaled through the nose.

Patients who suffer from chronic sinusitis have the compounding issue of congestion and a deviated septum. Septoplasty sinus surgeries attempt to redirect the alignment of the septum and open air passages back up by restructuring bone and cartilage.

Contact the allergists at Otolaryngology Associates of Tennessee for your nasal and sinus issues.

Turbinate Reduction

For some patients, the turbinates inside their nose can become swollen and inflamed from infection, irritation, or allergies. These symptoms can create nasal obstruction and lead to excess production of mucus, often leading to congestion.

Turbinate reduction sinus surgery aims to reduce the size and swelling making it easier to breathe. These types of procedures often require the use of radiofrequency to work on the tissue causing "controlled damage." As the nose starts to heal, the turbinate can begin to reduce in size.

Functional Rhinoplasty

A functional rhinoplasty is a procedure that restructures the bones and cartilage that make up the nose. Functional rhinoplasty sinus surgeries are performed by an ENT specialist with the intent of helping a patient remove abnormalities that cause issues with breathing.

Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon sinuplasty is a less invasive sinus surgery that is designed to help patients find relief from chronic sinusitis symptoms. The method is a straightforward application wherein the doctor inserts a flexible balloon catheter into the sinus passage. This process is aided by a tiny wire with a flashlight on the end to help navigation. Many patients feel an instant relief in pressure once the fluids from their sinuses begin to drain.

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

One of the most common types of sinus surgeries is the functional endoscopic procedure. This procedure removes any affected tissues or bones from the sinus structure. A reconstructive surgery, this option opens the connection between the sinuses and nose, resulting in better drainage and reduced blockages.

Do I Qualify for Sinus Surgery?

If any of the above procedures sound like they would alleviate your current nasal or sinus symptoms, you may qualify for that specific type of sinus surgery. Several conditions would require the use of sinus surgery to help alleviate symptoms. The most common would include sinusitis, nasal polyp or a deviated septum. If you’re someone who experiences a reduced sense of taste or nasal blockages, make an appointment with a local ENT specialist to figure out the best course of treatment.

Sinus Surgery Options in Middle Tennessee

Each procedure for sinus surgery comes with minimal risk factors or long-term side-effects. But, surgery is still surgery, and you want to be in the best hands. Working with Board Certified ENT specialists like OAT is one of the most effective ways of ensuring your procedure goes smoothly and achieves the best results.

If you suspect issues with your sinuses, contact OAT today to schedule an appointment.